Employment law & Labour migration law

If you employ staff, you are confronted with quite some rules, rights and obligations. Employment law is predominated by the idea of employee protection. That is why it is very important for employers to have and maintain their affairs in order.

Agreements and regulations

This starts with a clear employment contract with clear terms of employment. A clear employee handbook, works council standing orders or works council agreement is often also indispensable. Clear rules reduce the chance of different expectations, that employees experience a sense of arbitrariness and that – eventually – disputes arise.

But drafting these documents alone is not enough. Legislative changes in employment law happen in quick succession (examples are the Dutch Work and Security Act in 2015, the Dutch Balanced Labour Market Act in 2020, the Dutch Transparent and Predictable Terms of Employment Act in 2022 and the Dutch Assessment of Employment Relationships and Legal Presumption (Clarification) Act in 2025). That is why it is important for employers to have a review carried out at regular intervals to see whether the agreements, terms of employment and regulations are still in accordance with the laws and regulations.

Law&Pepper can assist you with drafting and carrying out periodic reviews of employment-law documents.

Resolving disputes

Disputes may also arise if all paperwork is in order. Not only with individual employees, but also with the employee representative body, works council or trade union. Frequently occurring disputes with employees are about the rights and obligations involved in incapacity for work, performance and the expectations of parties about the interpretation of certain arrangements. An arising dispute can often be nipped in the bud with the right action. But an arising dispute may also escalate and result in a long-term illness process or a damaged working relationship. Law&Pepper helps employers to resolve arising and ongoing disputes.

Acting vigorously

It takes two parties to resolve a conflict. Sometimes, a situation occurs where the employee does not want to resolve the dispute or has crossed the line to such extent that imposing measures under employment law is the only option. Examples are a warning, reprimand, pay freeze, salary suspension, suspension or even dismissal. Naturally, the most drastic measure under employment law is summary dismissal. This might be an effective means, but it is important to act with due care. Because if you make a procedural error, this may have major financial consequences.

Whatever the conflict and regardless of the stage the conflict is in, Law&Pepper ensures that you take the right steps and that you have the best chances of a successful outcome when imposing measures under employment law.

Director under the articles of association and the Dutch Senior Executives in the Public and Semi-Public Sector (Standards for Remuneration) Act

The legal status of a director under the articles of association differs from that of an ‘ordinary’ employee, because this legal status is not only dictated by employment law, but also by company law. And does it concern the legal status of a director under the articles of association of a public or semi-public institution? In that case, you need to comply with the Dutch Senior Executives in the Public and Semi-Public Sector (Standards for Remuneration) Act.

Law&Pepper has specific expertise of and experience with these subjects. Whether it concerns the appointment, remuneration or dismissal of directors under the articles of association, of public, semi-public or other institutions, we tell you what you need to know.

Labour migration law

The labour market has been faced with large shortages for years. Many sectors are unable to find staff in the Netherlands or the EU. As a result, employers are increasingly looking beyond Europe. Potential non-EU employees may only work and reside in the Netherlands if they have the right work and residence permit. Because there are more than forty permits with their own terms, advantages and disadvantages, many employers cannot see the wood for the trees anymore. Law&Pepper gives advice to employers who want to know whether the potential employee may qualify for a permit and which is the best permit to apply for. We also assist employers and employees from A to Z (i.e.: up to the first working day).

Our specialists in employment law & labour migration law